Visit to September 1, 2014


Students from Wieluń and its partner cities and the mayors gather in the course of peace and reconciliation at the airport in Nowa Wieś


The Mayor of Wielun, Paweł Okrasa, ignited the torch of the barrel of Nowa Wieś to Wieluń


Left to right:
The mayor of the twin town Adelebsen, Holger Frase, Burmistrz Andrzej Pietrasik from Płońsk, also President of the International Association of Peace Messenger Cities (, Burmistrz Paweł Okrasa and the mayor of the twin town Osterburg, Nico Schulz.


See also: Youtube-Video


Laying a wreath at the monument to the memory of the victims of the bombing from 1 September 1939 at the time of the German attack Begins at 4:40 PM. From left to right: a member of the Partnership Association, Christian Wolters, for the youth exchange of fire departments of the twin towns Volker Keilholz, the municipality mayor Holger Frase and the local Mayor of Adelebsen, Kurt Prutschke.


Program of celebrations for the anniversary of the outbreak of World War II
31 August to 2 September 2016

August 31, 2016
17:00Igniting the torch of peace and reconciliation at the airport in Polish Nowa Wieś (New Village) near Opole (Opole), from 1 September 1939, German aircraft were launched to attack Wieluń. At the start of the race part: the mayor of Wieluń, the mayor of Osterburg, the Mayor of Adelebsen and the President of the International Association of Cities – (peace advocates)
19:00Concert on the stage of the culture home Wieluń, Krakowskie Przedmieście Str. 5
September 1, 2016
04:40Beginning of the celebrations at the monument commemorating the victims of the bombing of September 1, 1939
15:15Tour of the exhibition: “Wieluń – the city of peace and reconciliation” in the museum Wieluń
16:30Holy Mass in the restored foundations of the parish church
19:00Debate: European Union – a guarantee for peace and reconciliation
with participation of the President of the International Association of Peace Messenger Cities, (stage at the city hall)
20:00Concert: “This is Poland,” the ensemble of song and dance “Silesia”


Offizielles Plakat zur Veranstaltung 2016

1024px-Wieluń_fara_tablica_mod 682px-Wieluń_-_Muzeum_Ziemi_Wieluńskiej

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